Sunday, 28 December 2014

Body Types

There are three main body types, which are; Ectomorph, Mesomorph & Endomorph. What are the differences? Understand the differences and know more of what you should do or do less (perhaps avoid) the exercises. 


Appearance: Looks lean & long, skinny, naturally slim
Traits: Small frame & bone structure, hard to gain weight, flat chest, small shoulders, thin, lean muscle mass, fast/high metabolism, hyperactive

What should you do?
Train in compound movements (big muscles group)
Workouts short and intense
Get enough protein
Train isolate (single) muscles as finisher

What you should do LESS?
Over-emphasize on isolate (single) muscles
Too much cardio

How often should you train/exercise?
2 – 3 times a week
Compound workouts. Workout example: Bench press, squats and etc


Appearance: Well-built, athletic, naturally lean
Traits: Rectangular body shape, gains muscles easily, broad/square shoulders, efficient metabolism, losing fats easy, bodyfat evenly distributed

What should you do?
Workouts combination of weights and cardio
Time your workouts
Set personal best
Watch your calorie intake

What you should do LESS?
Eat whatever you like
Take your body for granted

How often should you train/exercise?
2 – 4 times a week
Train in H.I.I.T.
Workout examples: Box jumps, sprints, burpees, chin ups, etc


Appearance: Pear Shape, softer and rounder built,
Traits: Round body, gains muscles and fats easily, large frame, high levels of body fats (may be overweight), finds it hard to lose weight, slow metabolism, muscles not so defined

What should you do?
Workout combination of cardio and weights
Train with intensity
Watch your carb intake
Build your shoulders

What you should do LESS?
Do endless crunches
Jog for hours
Drink sports drinks

How often should you train/exercise?
3 – 5 times a week
Split workout routines, such as;
Example: Monday: Upper body, Tuesday: Cardio, Wednesday: rest, Thursday: Lower Body weights, Friday: Upper Body

Sources & Photos: MenFitness, superskinny, musclesandstrength, thescience,

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

How Alcohol can affect in Gaining Muscle Mass

Effects of Excessive Alcohol Consumption on your Body
·         Muscles : Reduces blood flow to the muscles, causing weakness and deterioration
·         Hormones : Reduces testosterone in your blood and increases conversion of testosterone to estrogen, causing increased fat depositing and fluid retention
·         Liver : Creates imbalances that can cause hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar), fatty liver and hyperlipidaemia  (build-up of fats in the bloodstream)
·         Brain : Cuts off the supple of oxygen to the brain, resulting in a “blackout” caused by lack of oxygen supply to the brain that can kill thousands of brain cells

Effects of Excessive Alcohol Consumption on Physical Performance
·         Alcohol is known as depressant that surpasses the brain’s ability to function. Even though you may feel “high” after several drinks. Truth is that your reaction time, accuracy, balance, hand-eye coordination, endurance, all decreases dramatically.
·         The after-effects of the night of excessive drinking can be detrimental to your fitness goals.
·         Alcohol is a diuretic, which may result in dehydration.
·         This dehydration is known to decrease physical performance

Alcohol and Nutrition
·         Alcohol inhibits the breakdown of nutrients into usable substances by decreasing the secretion of digestive enzymes from the pancreas.
·         Regular alcohol consumption also impairs nutrient absorption by damaging the cells lining the stomach and intestines and disabling transport of some nutrients into the blood.
·         Interfere of nutrient breakdown and absorption may impair the physical performance and recovery required to build and maintain muscle mass

Why are you putting on weight?
·         Many people under the influence experience “drunk munchies” that can result in the consumption of several hundreds extra calories for the day.

Drinking in Moderation
Any positive effects? Yes, there is.
·         Increased HDL cholesterol (“good” cholesterol) within one to two weeks
·         Reduced stress levels
·         Reduced insulin resistance
How much is moderation?
·         For the ladies: Not more than 1 drink a day
·         For the men: Not more than 2 drinks a day

Sample of quantity. Calories as below.

How much calories in the drinks?
A glass of beer:  +/- 150 calories
A glass of wine: +/- 100 calories
A shot of liquor/liqueur: +/- 100 calories

Short Note:
If you want to increase muscle mass, decrease fat or improve general health, make sure alcohol is only consumed in moderation. So the next time you go out with your friends, be the designated driver. And remember, don’t drink and drive. 

Sources: Ace Fitness

Monday, 15 December 2014

Body Shapes

There are a few types of body shapes. Do you know which one are you?

Here I'm going to explain the basic 4 shapes and the suggested workouts together with the frequency for best results.

From Left to Right: Apple, Pear, Hourglass, Rectangle

Apple / Inverted Triangle :

·         Description:  a softer and fuller middle with slimmer legs and bottom
·         Exercise suggestions: Focus on core & High Intensity Interval Training (H.I.I.T.) cardio
·         Cardio and resistance training, helps to develop tight muscles around your waistline
·         Frequency: 3-4 times a week

Pear : 

·         Description: Curvaceous Hips & Bottom with smaller bust and shoulders
·         Exercise suggestions: Focus on lower body, power moves, total body strength training, cardio endurance
·         Training Type: Cardio and strength circuit workout
·         Frequency: 3-4 times a week 


·         Description: Equally Curvy BUST & HIPS with defined waist
·         Exercise suggestions: Total Body & cardio
·         Training Type: Body Sculpting
·          Frequency: 2-3 times a week


·         Description:  Shoulders & hips of the same width, long arms & legs and undefined waist. Only with very few curves
·         Exercise suggestions: Focus on muscle building
·         Training Type: Muscle building strength & cardio
·          Frequency: 3 times a week

**Sources & Photos: emmaforsberg, froyonation, shape **

Thursday, 11 December 2014

French Fries & its calories.

One large serving of French Fries. How much calories is packed in there?

One serving of large french fries is about 480 - 600 calories. Is there any nutrient value in it? Oh yes there is...but you wouldn't like know. French fries do contain some amount of protein but it MAINLY consist of CARBOHYRATES & FATS. 

This chart roughly indicates on the Carbohyrates, Protein and Fat contents in fries. Ouch!! Truth hurts. All the time that you had been enjoying those fries...without knowing it.

How can you burn all the excessive calories after eating fries? How much workout do you need to do to burn those calories?  Photo below shows an estimation of type and time needed.

A bit wee too long of a workout for you? Burpees? To those whom enjoy burpees, away & 524 burpees for you!! Would you??

More about burpees... coming soon :)

**Sources: livestrong, compendiumofphysicalactivities **

Monday, 8 December 2014

Stretches for Positive Aging

Do you know that one of the most effective, inexpensive and pain-free ways to look and feel younger is to exercise and perform daily stretches that ward off kyphosis (rounding of the thoracic spine, resulting in a hunched shape); that keep the spine mobile; that lengthen the quadriceps to help sustain a tall, lifted posture; and that maintain a healthy range of motion in the hips?
Shift your focus from “anti-aging” to “pro-aging” with these stretches that support an active body over a lifetime. Christy Stevenson, an AFAA-certified instructor and FiTOUR ProTrainer, who teaches, trains and supervises at American Fork Fitness Center in Utah, explains the stretches.

Stability Ball Chest Opener
Sit on stability ball of appropriate size, feet planted on floor a little wider than hip width apart. Slowly roll down onto back while walking feet forward. (If you lack core strength, anchor your feet, toes touching wall.) Ball fully supports spine. Open arms straight out to sides, palms up. Allow back of head to rest on ball, and draw chin up slightly toward ceiling. Drop hips, allowing low back to round naturally against ball, or keep legs and glutes engaged to lightly lift hips. Inhale and exhale fully while holding the stretch, softening shoulder blades into ball.

Spinal Twist
Lie supine on mat and hug knees to chest. Next, take arms out to 
sides, palms up, shoulders anchored to mat. Slowly drop knees toward right side as head turns left. Release trunk rotators as legs sink toward floor. Actively press shoulders down; hold and breathe.

Extend both legs straight out to side to intensify this stretch, lengthening hamstrings as spine continues to twist gently. After 10–30 seconds, activate core muscles to return to start position. Return to neutral spine, and then stretch to opposite side.

Quad Wall Stretch
Position mat flush to flat, smooth wall. Carefully place right knee on floor against wall, shinbone perpendicular to floor, toes pointed. Bring left foot forward to create 90-degree bend in left knee, making sure knee stays behind toes, as if in lunge. Right shinbone is just outside of right thighbone as you press hands into left thigh and rise to tall, one-legged kneeling position. Use core muscles to draw rib cage back toward wall and up over hips. (This stretch is deep; if you struggle, do a standing quad stretch instead.) Breathe deeply and hold for 10–30 seconds; then switch sides.

Seated Hip Opener
This stretch can prove challenging for people of all fitness levels. Sit cross-legged, then gently take right lower leg and try to pull right ankle/foot toward left knee. Breathe deeply and press right knee downward toward left ankle/foot. Activate inner and outer thighs to press both knees closer to mat. (If you have tight hips, you can sit on step or yoga block. If you have mobile hips, you can reach forward and down with arms and chest.) Hold for 10–30 seconds, breathing fully, and gently switch sides.

Some Photographs by Carrie Butler

Article from IDEA Fitness Journal

Monday, 1 December 2014

One-Stop Spot for Fitness & Paintball Enthusiast

Hi there!!

Have you heard of boot camps? I'm sure you had. There is plenty around Klang Valley. Wondering what's the difference between all of them compared to what I'm offering?

Circuit sessions;
Why Circuit trainings? This incorporated with fun and games. What's the point of exercising by getting someone yelled on your face most of the time? Are you in a military training? Here, we motivate each other to achieve further, we may yell at times (honestly) but also, we wouldn't want you to be slacking off.

Warm Up

Push Ups to your limits

How often have you heard of any bootcamp / circuit being held in a turf field? Nice even land, without needing to worry of tripping on some of the potholes. I've been there and the feeling sucks plus the worry of spraining the ankles.

The Field that we use for trainings. 

What do you need to bring?
* Water
* Towel
* A change of clothes
* Shoes
Note: No football studs shoes allowed. 

Benefits for YOU:
* Increase your metabolism rate
* Reduce body fat %
* Have a Greater functional strength in daily activities
* Increase in muscle endurance
* Increase in coordination
* Feel more energetic
* Feel good about yourself

How many people can this place cater for?
Each session Min: 8 people, Max: 24 people.

To have a Group session to your own and at your preferred location, Contact Christine via email.

Contact Christine @

What can you do AFTER your session?
Since we are operated in a Paintball Field, You can always continue on by playing a game or two. Bring your family, friends & colleagues along, come and shoot, Enjoy the fun!

For Reservations:
Call 1-700-80-9373

Tournament time

College Students

Charlie Angels. Who says girls don't play paintball? 

Kids can play too =)
All only during daytime? No. We have Night Games too.
Call us NOW to reserve your slot at 1-700-80-9373

For more information of Werd Training Facilities, please visit the website below =)
Facebook page:

What are you waiting for??? Call us to BOOK your Time SLOT!!

**Photos are courtesy from Werdna Hol Sportz**