Tuesday 23 December 2014

How Alcohol can affect in Gaining Muscle Mass

Effects of Excessive Alcohol Consumption on your Body
·         Muscles : Reduces blood flow to the muscles, causing weakness and deterioration
·         Hormones : Reduces testosterone in your blood and increases conversion of testosterone to estrogen, causing increased fat depositing and fluid retention
·         Liver : Creates imbalances that can cause hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar), fatty liver and hyperlipidaemia  (build-up of fats in the bloodstream)
·         Brain : Cuts off the supple of oxygen to the brain, resulting in a “blackout” caused by lack of oxygen supply to the brain that can kill thousands of brain cells

Effects of Excessive Alcohol Consumption on Physical Performance
·         Alcohol is known as depressant that surpasses the brain’s ability to function. Even though you may feel “high” after several drinks. Truth is that your reaction time, accuracy, balance, hand-eye coordination, endurance, all decreases dramatically.
·         The after-effects of the night of excessive drinking can be detrimental to your fitness goals.
·         Alcohol is a diuretic, which may result in dehydration.
·         This dehydration is known to decrease physical performance

Alcohol and Nutrition
·         Alcohol inhibits the breakdown of nutrients into usable substances by decreasing the secretion of digestive enzymes from the pancreas.
·         Regular alcohol consumption also impairs nutrient absorption by damaging the cells lining the stomach and intestines and disabling transport of some nutrients into the blood.
·         Interfere of nutrient breakdown and absorption may impair the physical performance and recovery required to build and maintain muscle mass

Why are you putting on weight?
·         Many people under the influence experience “drunk munchies” that can result in the consumption of several hundreds extra calories for the day.

Drinking in Moderation
Any positive effects? Yes, there is.
·         Increased HDL cholesterol (“good” cholesterol) within one to two weeks
·         Reduced stress levels
·         Reduced insulin resistance
How much is moderation?
·         For the ladies: Not more than 1 drink a day
·         For the men: Not more than 2 drinks a day

Sample of quantity. Calories as below.

How much calories in the drinks?
A glass of beer:  +/- 150 calories
A glass of wine: +/- 100 calories
A shot of liquor/liqueur: +/- 100 calories

Short Note:
If you want to increase muscle mass, decrease fat or improve general health, make sure alcohol is only consumed in moderation. So the next time you go out with your friends, be the designated driver. And remember, don’t drink and drive. 

Sources: Ace Fitness

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